What is Lifestyle Medicine?
Lifestyle medicine is an evidence-based approach to preventing, treating and even reversing diseases by replacing unhealthy behaviors with positive ones such as eating healthfully, being physically active, managing stress, avoiding risky substance abuse, adequate sleep and having a strong support system.
Lifestyle Medicine's unique value proposition:

Healthy Eating
Choose whole, plant-based foods that are fiber-filled, nutrient dense, health-promoting and disease-fighting! Consider veggies, fruits, beans, lentils, whole grains, nuts and seeds as your dietary “North Star.”
Lack of, or poor quality, sleep can lead to decreased ability to recover from illness, a strained immune system and chronic disease. Lifestyle medicine identifies dietary, environmental and coping behaviors to improve sleep health.
Stress can either lead to improved health and productivity - or to anxiety, depression, obesity, immune dysfunction and poor health outcomes. Helping patients recognize negative stress responses, leading to coping mechanisms and stress reduction techniques leads to improved health and wellbeing.
Social connectedness is essential to our emotional resiliency and overall health. Studies show that isolation and loneliness are associated with increased mortality and morbidity, especially among individuals already diagnosed with lifestyle-related conditions.
Physical Activity
Regular and consistent physical activity that can be maintained on a daily basis throughout life--walking, gardening, push ups, and lunges--is an essential piece of the optimal health equation.
Cessation of Tobacco
The well-documented dangers of tobacco use include an increased risk of many cancers, heart disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Cessation counseling combined, when necessary, with medications, helps patients successfully quit the habit.
Explore Lifestyle Medicine
Explore each of the six pillars of Lifestyle Medicine and find helpful information and resources to improve your healthy lifestyle.